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Epic Exchanges

Apr 29, 2019

What does it mean to be present?  At its most basic, it means that your awareness is completely centered on the here and now.  You are not worrying about the future, or thinking about the past.  It means you have your focus, your attention, your thoughts and your feelings – all your energy – on what is happening in...

Apr 23, 2019

We all have expectations – both for ourselves and our future and also for others and their behaviour or reactions towards us.  And when we place expectations around wanting our own stories to ‘measure up’ to one someone else shared or be as impactful or whatever we tell ourselves it NEEDS to be – then we set...

Apr 15, 2019

One of the biggest stumbling blocks we face when coming to terms with our own stories is a pervasive undercurrent of guilt.  Many of the events in our lives – particularly the difficult ones – come with a lot of self-judgment.  Of the things we could or should have done or said to ensure a different outcome.  Of the...

Apr 8, 2019

The desire to be perfect not only traps and burdens us with stress, it can often keep us from moving forward with our goals and dreams.  And often we get ‘stuck’ in finding and telling our own stories because we want to find the perfect words or the perfect way to tell it. Then we keep putting it off...