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Epic Exchanges

Feb 23, 2022

We’ve met today’s guest, Julie Allen, before when she shared her battle with eating disorders and learning to love and accept herself every day just as she is.  All about self-worth.  So it seems only natural that she is here this week to wrap up our month’s focus, by taking things a little further to discuss how...

Feb 9, 2022

Our stories hold so much power – both what we tell ourselves and what we can begin to believe about ourselves. This week’s guest, Dr. Wesley Northey, shares his story spanning the full range of the human experience, and how he found purpose at his lowest point by exploring possibility.


Exchange Quotes:

“Life is...

Feb 2, 2022

February is the month of love, most often romantic love.  This month we’re going to turn it into something a little different – a month of loving ourselves, our neighbours and communities and even loving our earth.  And it all starts with knowing our own worth and value. 

Exchange Quotes:

“Love yourself as if your...